Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Let's Get the Pay Right!

This article wdiscusses the possible passage of a bill which may insure that people with disabilities get the same pay at work as anyone else. I urge all of us to call our Congress folks and urge them to vote for this!
Here's the article and where it is from.
> ADA Watch/NCDR>>>>> In partnership with the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights:>> Tell Senators to Restore the Rights of Workers to Sue for Pay Discrimination>> Take Action Now:> Call your senators today at 202-224-3121 and urge their support for the Lilly LedbetterFair Pay Act (S.181).>> As early as this Thursday, January 15, the Senate could consider the Lilly LedbetterFair Pay Act (S.181). Last year, the bill was filibustered by a handful of senators,thereby preventing a full vote in that chamber. As the bill will likely come to theSenate floor this week, now is the time to call senators and urge them to pass S.181so that all American workers who suffer from pay discrimination get their day incourt.>> The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is an important legislative "fix" to a May 2007U.S. Supreme Court decision (Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.) which severely limits the ability of workers who suffer from pay discriminationto sue and recover damages under Title VII of theCivil Rights Act of 1964. Without this "fix," the impact of the Court's decision will be widespread, affectingpay discrimination cases involving women and racial and ethnic minorities, as wellas cases under theAge Discrimination in Employment Act and under the Americans with Disabilities Act.>> Call you senators today at 202-224-3121. Tell them to support S.181 and reaffirmthat pay discrimination has legally enforceable remedies.>> Learn more about the <>Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.>>> To unsubscribe/change profile: <>click here.> To subscribe: <>click here.>> National Coalition for Disability Rights> 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 300> Washington, District of Columbia 20006

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